Fixing BT TV - Ubiquiti IPC6023

Fixing BT TV - Ubiquiti IPC6023

Since the upgrade to FTTP there has been an expodential increase on internet speed to our house, along with the package from BT we had their new TV box that offers steaming live TV with Catchup and Ondemand.

All these services would work seemlessly with BT's Router however the signal strength would not have enough reach for the whole house and so the router remained in the box.

The current network compromises of an Ubiquiti UDR ( Dream Router) with an AP (U6 Lite ) they work great together flooding the whole house with fast internet, another perk is the FTTP that comes into the house plugs strait into the UDR so no requirement for an aditional box from the ISP to be switched on.

The only issue was the BT TV box was not able to stream TV and gave an error code of IPC6023, this usually gives you a small instruction to restart the BT router and equipment but I know this is down to my Ubiquiti Router not being able to send the traffic.

It took many hours to research and there was no definative answer aisde from a thread on a forum that was detailing a guide on how to use IPTV. The only simmilarities between these services is IGMP needs to be enabled and also Multicast so i decided to follow their patch notes on Github

GitHub - fabianishere/udm-iptv: Helper tool for configuring routed IPTV on the UniFi Dream Machine (Pro)
Helper tool for configuring routed IPTV on the UniFi Dream Machine (Pro) - GitHub - fabianishere/udm-iptv: Helper tool for configuring routed IPTV on the UniFi Dream Machine (Pro)

It turns out their patch will also support BT TV streaming through ubiquiti routers,   read further for instructions on how i managed to get it working.

SSH using Terminal to your router

ssh root@192.168.1

You will be in your home directory

sh -c "$(curl -sSf)"

You will then be presented with the following screens , i chose BT as this is my ISP and TV provider.Then you will be presented with another screen showing your network details, choose the LAN that has your BT TV box connected.

After you have applied the configuration details your TV if it's switched on may start automatically streaming live TV.

So far i have had no issues with this patch however new versions of UDR software may overwrite the patch, if this happens just go through the steps once again.